The Restaurant

La Cazzarola

We are in via Padre Reginaldo Giulliani 41. You will immediately recognize us by the red and white striped awning that covers the first seating area, the external one, where you will find our welcome staff. Upon entering you will immediately see our characteristic shop window on the right and continuing into the internal room (equipped with air conditioning) you will find the rest of the tables, the bar/cafe counter and the open kitchen.

We at “La Cazzarola” have chosen the colors of the sea and the tradition of handmade ceramics work by a local artisan from Sorrento, to marry the taste of ancient flavors with modern design, our dishes tell the story of a traditional taste with twist of modernity.

Everything gives voice to a bountiful land: the top-quality charcuteries that lead the counter at the entrance, the clusters of the legendary Piennolo cherry tomatoes give color to shelves and bar counters, the garlic and onion heads, daughters of a land that has been feeding its children for centuries.